Mint Soap


Mint Soap Powerful yet skin-friendly
Herbal antiseptic peppermint incorporated in mild soap base absorbs heat from the skin while keeping it cool even after a refreshing shower.

By Skin :- For All Types
Instructions to use :- Apply soap on wet body and face, rub to produce lather, then wash off.
Ingredients :- Menthol oil, Glycerine and Vegetable Oils

*Shipping Charges as Applicable


Mint Soap is rich in anti-inflammatory properties which helps in lightening the appearance of acne, blackheads and redness of skin

This soap makes the skin feel fresh and rejuvenate

Due to its antiseptic properties, it helps in reducing rashes and infections on the skin

This soap absorbs out the heat of the body leaving it with a cooling effect.

*Shipping Charges as Applicable


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